Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • 13 awful mistakes beginners tend to make in Russian

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Try Active Russian Grammar

Active Grammar is a new interactive Russian Grammar guide from the authors of famous Russian textbooks. Essential for self-study or learning Russian with a teacher. Free practice tests and learning materials! Great price for 1 year subscription - only €2,08 per month!

Immersive offline mini-group courses in Riga with Stanislav & our team

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Intensive and fun mini-groups in 2024. Guaranteed: levels A0-A1 and A2-B1. Higher levels are welcome too (if there are a sufficient number of participants). The exact dates of next courses will be posted soon. Minimal course - 2 weeks (a course for 1 week can be booked upon agreement on an individual basis, please contact us).

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Posts, links, shorts and micro-lessons on Russian language, culture, and everything else with academic depth and fun mood

Social proof: testimonials

Not an attempt, but a success!

Drs. Marinus de Hooge RA, Netherlands

I have made many attempts to learn Russian in the past 20 years, on-line and in live classes in my country but always got lost in the grammar and words and had to stop or lost interest. When I discovered the methodology of Stanislav via a friend, I noticed his first instruction book in pdf, I wanted to go to Saint Petersburg for a week live class, but the pandemic started so I stayed home. I decided to take I on-line classes. Since 2020 and, at my own pace, progressed more than ever in words, talking, listening and grammar than in all my prior attempts, so this is not an attempt but a success. His teaching method and his books are of such nature that it can be adapted for every person of every level and at every pace. I enjoy my on-line classes with Stanislav every time, he is a great teacher and an international oriented person and a true language professional.

Amazing course!

Omer Wellber, conductor

For my work and life as a musician, I have learned several languages. This year I have started learning Russian with Mr. Chernyshov, and I can say now for sure, this is not only about learning and teaching, it is about culture, education, and friendship, - exactly the three most important things a language is about.

I think I am mastering Russian at the end!

JORDAN KESNER, Biologist, Postdoctoral Researcher, Columbia University, BSc Biology Cornell University

I had tried many ways of learning Russian: at the university, sitting in language courses, and on Skype with 3 different lecturers — Stanislav's teaching style is totally different, he does not teach — he makes you live in Russia through an internet connection (I think this is related to him being a linguist not only a teacher). Learning Russian becomes a quite fun and totally natural process. My friends in the office from former Soviet countries are quite surprised at my learning pace. I no longer need to sit in classes at designated times and relearn things again and again as my level is in between — Stanislav offering classes on Skype is big news for Russian learners from all countries

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